AutoCharge® The patented Aerocharger turbocharger
uses revolutionary variable vane geometry, the world's lowest mass turbine wheels, and ultra low-friction mist-lubed roller-skate-like ball bearings to deliver instant boost pressure from idle to redline. Most importantly, a 12 psi boost setting gets you 12 psi at 3000 RPM, where you need it most! Self-lubrication means no overheated engine oil. The engine remains stock, so mileage, reliability, and resale value are retained.

The AeroCharger Advantages:


Over 100 lb/ft of instant torque
The World's Greatest Performance Value
Aesthetically Pleasing Design
Satisfaction Guaranteed
The AeroCharger® AutoCharge® Turbocharger Systems
can be installed on all "EVO" Harley-Davidson & Buell Motorcycles.
Including the Fuel Injected Models!